Before you can give feedback on lab00, please create individual feedback repos, as described here. Please use their preferred first names as the names of the feedback repos. If you have already created this repo with their “official” first name, please recreate it with their preferred name. We will be editing the pairs page with their preferred name by the end of the day on Tuesday, but in the meantime, you can find it in the github names response sheet in our drive folder.

Once you’ve done that, here are some things to check for lab00.

Does the repo they created have the correct name?

They should have created a repo with the name listed in this spreadsheet (private to mentors only):

If the name is not correct, you won’t be able to find it by clicking on the link. NOTE: It’s encouraged that students use their preferred first names to name their repos. If they used their “formal” first name for lab00, give them feedback that they can and should start using their preferred first name in the future.

Anyway, if you can’t find their name, go to the organization page:, type “practice-“ in the search box, and look through to see if you can find the repo. They may have used a capital letter, or something.

If the name they used is incorrect (e.g. not their name or preferred name, or used a capital letter, etc), the easiest thing to do for now is just correct the name yourself. Until after lab03, we aren’t going to get picky about names—we’ll just fix them for them.

Does the repo contain a with some text

Next, read the text and see if it makes sense. See if they had any formatting issues, etc.

Add something to the feedback repo to let them know you read their text.

Do they have a selfie in the repo

They were supposed to put a selfie in the repo (picture of themselves.)

There is a naming convention they were supposed to follow (see the lab instructions here: lab00

If they have one, can you clearly read their name? We are going to use these later in SPIS, so we want to be sure that the names are visible.

If the name isn’t visible, or the picture is missing, or the name is wrong, provide some feedback on what is not according to instructions, and also offer to be of help to them in going back to fix the problem.

If they have used a name other than their preferred name, ask them to take another photo and upload it. We want to learn the names they want to be called!

That’s it for feedback on lab00. Thanks!